Friday, October 19, 2007

Dryland Training for Your Strongest Season Ever - Weeks 1-2

It is that time again. The leaves are falling from the trees and the weather is driving everyone in doors. Many people have resorted to marathon days of Law and Order followed up by saddling up at the bar. Although twleve once curls are tempting, it is probably more beneficial to spend some time in the gym. I have been using this program for the last two years and it really works. The first day out, I felt stronge and skied exactly how I wanted to. The best part was that my back and quads weren't screaming the next day. Give it shot and if you have questions, please feel free to email me. Have Fun! Jess

The program is designed to prevent injuries and make you as stronge as you would be mid-winter.

Weeks 1 and 2 (designed to strebgthen ligaments and prevent injuries)

Aim for 60-70% of your max and 15-20 reps, and 2-3 circuits. This is a circuit, no long water breaks between sets.

Monday (rest)

Tuesday (Circuit 1)

15 minute warm-up

1) Jump rope (1 minute)
2) Push-up
3) Exercise ball crunch
4) Stiff-legged dead lift
5) Chair dip
6) Russian Twist
7) Forward Lunge
8) Seated Row
9) Back Extension
10) Stretch

Wednesday (45 minutes of cardio)


15 minute warm-up

1)Lateral hop (10-20)
2)Wall-sit (aim for 1 minute)
3) Scissors crunch
4) Walking Lunge
5) Shoulder Rotation
6) Plank ( aim for 1 minute)
7) Burpees or good mornings
8) Bent-knee pull
9) Stretch

Friday (45 minute of cardio)


15 minute warm-up

1) Quick feet (aim for 60 seconds)
2) Diagnol Lunge
3) Medicine Ball Front Raise Twist
4) Medicine Ball Crunch
5) Step-up
6) Squat trust push-up
7) Superman
8) Power Lift
9) Reverse Crunch
10) Stretch

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